Thursday, February 10, 2011

Rylan turns 2!

Rylan Israel McDowell Robertson was born on Tuesday night February 10, 2009 and today he turns two! Two years have past and wow have they been eventful. Each of you know the miraculous story of Rylan, many of you were with us in the darkest moments. So, today two years later, I wanted to take a moment to remind you of where we were and how far we have come. God truly has been by our side the entire time. It is Kristin and my desire that you will take a moment to reflect on this real life miracle that you watched unfold and celebrate with us the joy that Rylan has brought to our lives.

Remember with me how our story began:
Rylan Israel McDowell Robertson was born to Nathan and Kristin Robertson of Greenville, SC on Tuesday February 10, 2009 at 9:21PM in Greenville with two mid-wives. He weighed 8lbs and was 21 inches long! He was perfectly healthy at birth! On Wednesday Feb, 11th at approximately 11:35PM Rylan began to show clinical signs of what we now know was a stroke with a series of seizures. He turned blue and 911 was called along with our mid wife. I worked frantically to keep him breathing. It is a horrible feeling to see your newborn turn purple in your arms and feel powerless. God kept Rylan alive and by the time the first police officer arrived he was pink again! Rylan was taken to Greenville Memorial Medical Center, Children's Hospital. That night I felt as though I was watching a movie, but was one of the main characters. An incredible team of doctors, nurses, and staff worked around the clock to stabilize Rylan and stop the seizures. He was admitted to the Pediatric ICU at 3:30AM Feb. 12, 2009 where he remained for the next 14 days. Over those next 14 days Rylan was on a ventilator for 9 of them. An MRI revealed on Friday, February 13th that Rylan had three major areas of stroke damage to his brain. These damaged areas would affect his right side as well as his vision. The doctors told his family that he would need extensive therapy before he would ever be able to crawl or walk. In total Rylan spent 22 days in the hospital before going home on two anti-seizure medicines.

From the very first moment our faith was strong. It is not something that can be easily explained except that we had such a strong belief in the God that we serve that somehow all of this would end up ok. I am very aware that every case does not turn out the way ours has and for those of you who have walked through them my heart breaks. This update, though is to showcase how God miraculously healed our son, Rylan. As visitor after visitor would come by to visit and pray with us, I could see in their eyes that they were not so sure how this would turn out. The audacity of my faith never allowed me to believe anything less than a completely healthy baby boy. Kristin and I have since realized that in the minds of many around us, Rylan's mere survival was in jeopardy.

A year later on February 22, 2010 Rylan had a second MRI performed at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital that revealed no brain damage! The Neurologist walked into the room after reviewing the MRI and remarked that Rylan was a miracle! She could not believe that the child she read about in the chart from Greenville was the same child that she was treating! We serve an awesome God!

Today, two years later, Rylan is one of the happiest yet strong-willed boys I have ever been around. Though his walking has been a little slow, he is now on the verge of running and jumping. We have never seen any evidence of any problems with his vision as many times he seems to see things before Kristin and I do. His vocabulary is remarkable and he is a true entertainer! I deeply wish that each of you could see him face to face and experience the miracle first hand. He has been medicine free for a year, and completely released from neurological care!

As I close this remarkable update, Kristin and I would like to express our heartfelt appreciation for everything that each of you did for us during our moment of crisis two years ago. The financial support, calls, visits and most of all prayers changed our lives and we believe aided in Rylan's miraculous recovery. We love you all from the bottom of our heart.

Remember that the God of the universe desires to invade your life and encounter you on the most intimate level. May our story bring you one step closer to Him.


Nathan, Kristin and Rylan Robertson
February 10, 2011
Madisonville, KY


  1. Praying for Ryan and you guys. Mike Calhoun

  2. You don't know me but I was one who prayed and just want to say I am so happy for you all!!! Thank you for the update and your demonstration of faith. It will be an exciting day when Rylan can fully comprehend what our Great and Awesome God did for him!! God bless you and give you many more years to declare this miracle. Sincerely, Laura
